Hello Everyone! And welcome to episode 2 of Abby’s dance class! The series where we learn about all things dance! So beginners, in-betweeners, professionals, you’re all welcome here. 

Today we’ll be continuing with our ballet basics! To review, last time we learned what a ballet barre is, the five basic positions of ballet, Demi plie and a grand plie. Today, we’ll be reviewing terms such as tendu and ronde jambe! 

So, throw on something you can dance in, it doesn’t matter what and let’s get dancing!

Welcome back! Let’s learn our brand new ballet terms. Follow along with me!

Voice over: Tendu is French for the word “stretched”. For today we will learn our tendu from first position. First, make sure you’re standing nice and tall in that first position. Keep your toes spread out, the balls of your feet and your heels planted to the floor. I want your knees to be straight but I don’t want you to hyperextend them. Think about finding a happy medium between hyperextended knees and bent knees. Now that we’ve set up this foundation we can try a tendu. 

 Keeping both legs straight, I’m going to press my foot into the floor and out. Think of your foot as a big marker and you are drawing a perfectly straight line on the floor. As my foot presses forward, I’m going to start to lift my heel towards the sky and point my foot. I will press through my toes until my foot is fully pointed. Now that I have reached the full extension of my tendu, I’m going to reverse what I just did to bring my foot back into first position. I’ll start by bringing my toes in making contact with the floor and pressing my foot back into the first position by squeezing those leg muscles. That is a TENDU!

I know this can seem a little overwhelming. A dance move that can look really simple sometimes has a lot of moving parts and can be quite difficult. But, I promise you my friends, it will get easier. Let’s move on to our ronde jambe! 

Voice over: Ronde Jambe is French for circular movement of the leg. For today, we will learn our ronde jambe from first position. A ronde jambe is basically a tendu to the front, side and back. Remember how I told you to think of your leg is a big marker drawing a perfect line? Well we are still gonna think of our leg as a marker but instead of drawing a perfect line, we are going to draw a perfect half circle. Let’s start with a tendu out to the front, making sure to press that foot into the floor and then lift that heel into the sky. Once our foot is fully extended out, our toes will start to trace our half circle to the side. Make sure to keep that standing foot turned out and planted to the floor. He want to be centered and aligned over your standing foot. Make sure you’re big marker AKA you’re working foot is turned out and pointed. Now let’s continue tracing our circle to the back. As you extend to the back make sure to not put too much weight on that big toe. Even though your foot is a big marker, you don’t want to push your toes into the floor. We are just lightly tracing our circle. Now reverse that tendu by bringing your toes in first then pressing your foot into the ground and closing in first position. And that my friends is a ronde jambe!

Alright my friends, now you’ve learned how to do a tendu and a ronde jambe. Now the challenge is, can we do a tendu and ronde jambe at the bar?! I think you’re up to it. Let’s do it!

Okay, first we’ll start with our tendus. We’ll do three at each direction. Three to the front, three to the side and three to the back. Got it?

Next, we’ll do our ronde jambes. So we’ll do three slow all the way around and then we’ll do three faster. Got it?

Voice Over: Okay everyone, we’ll get started on these tendus. We’ll bring our arms first and right hand on the bar. What time do front one bring in two, squeeze those thigh muscles and keep those legs straight. And the third one, press the toes in, nice. Let’s go to the side. Tendu one, controlled in, number two, you guys are doing great. Number three, The back is a little challenging, keep that upper body aligned yes? And number two try to keep that leg as straight as possible And three slow and controlled, bring it in. Good work everyone! Let’s switch sides.

Voice over: OK everyone we’ve switched sides. Will bring our arms first and left hand on the barre. We tendu front one and bring it in. Press those toes and bring the heel up to the sky. Squeeze those leg muscles. Nice! To first position. Now we go to the side. Keep that turn out as much as possible folks. Yes! Heels to the floor in first position and squeeeeze keep that turn out. Okay, when we go to the back, do not tilt forward, keep that body straight and aligned. Lovely! Keep that knee as straight as possible and keep that turn out. Last one! Beautiful work my friends, you did it!

Voice over: Okay now it’s time to trace our perfect half-circle. Arms up and out, we bring the foot forward, to the side, lightly trace, don’t crunch those toes into the floor. Second slow ronde jambe folks. Yes! Keep that body straight and aligned and last one squeeze those muscles, squeeze those muscles, so good! Three faster now. One, keep that light touch to the floor, and last one. Great job everyone! Other side.

Voice over: Okay let’s finish strong, left hand on the barre, nice and controlled to the front, one. Lightly trace it, don’t crunch that marker into the floor and two. Yes! Keep that upper body aligned, squeeze those muscles for the third slow one. You got this! And for these fast ones remember to just gently trace the floor with your toe. Keep those muscles nice and controlled. Last one my friends. Yes! Great job!

Amazing job my friends! You learned so many new things today. You learned how to do a ronde jambe and a tendu. Oh my gosh, you guys are learning more and more every time. Join us next time for more ballet basics. High five guys! Whoo!