Click here to discover more about RACIAL DIVERSITY.

Click here to discover more about the LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY.

Click here to discover more about GENDER INCLUSION.

Click here to discover more about STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES.

Welcome to the Diversity & Inclusion page! This is a safe place where we learn about and celebrate all diverse groups.

Diversity should be embraced everywhere and it is our mission to help you have the tools needed to be more inclusive. Whether you are a teacher or student, you will find the resources you need to give you a better understanding about diversity.

Here you will find different sections specific to a diverse group. You can learn more about racial diversity, LGBTQ+, gender inclusion, and students with disabilities. Each section has writing prompts, practice scenarios, resources, and more. In our teacher section, there are lesson plans, activities, y presentations that can be used in the classroom or in training. 

There may be some terms you don’t recognize. We’ve got you covered! Be sure to check out our Diversity Dictionary! It’s alphabetized and defines many of the terms used throughout each section. 

We can all do better by promoting more opportunities for diverse students in theatre and film. We can be allies by standing up to harmful stereotypes and bullying in our classrooms. We hope that you find this page to be helpful in your journey to learning more about diversity. If you have any questions or comments, be sure to submit them! Thank you!