Welcome to the Resources Page for Diversity & Inclusion. The purpose of these compiled resources is to offer students and teachers appropriate and reliable sources on the topics of race, LGBTQ+ community, gender identity, y students with disabilities in order to help promote diversity and inclusion in the classroom, in rehearsals, in a work setting, and within local communities! That being said, some of the content found amongst the provided resources are intended for teachers or other older audiences due to the complexity of the content. Again, JSK Stories has strived to provide clean and accurate resources for all those who wish to utilize them. Nevertheless, some content may be more suitable for older viewers as opposed to younger viewers. We recognize that some of the topics, situations, conditions, and definitions will not be entirely reflective of every individual/group experience that the resource is intended to bring to light. As such, if you have any suggestions or other resources that you’d like to share with us in order to help promote diversity and inclusion, please feel free to enviarlos aquí!

The key below will specify what each resource covers:

Purple – Race

Green – Students With Disabilities

Light Yellow – LGBTQ+

Dark Yellow – Gender

*JSK Stories does not claim any rights, credit, or ownership to any of the provided resources and media. Please note that clicking on any link will take you to another webpage or open a new tab.


A Kids Book About Disabilities / Kristine Napper

Written by an author who is a lifelong wheelchair user, this book helps kids and grownups alike address the questions of how to talk about disabilities and how to talk to people with disabilities. This book helps “approach disability as a normal part of the human experience”.

A Kids Book About Diversity / Charnaie Gordon

This simple, yet powerful book reminds us that diversity should be embraced and cherished!

All the Way to the Top / Annette Bay Pimentel

A true story about an 8-year-old activist, Jennifer Keelan, who advocated for the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Jennifer knew that every individual deserved their voice to be heard. She participated in what is known as the Capitol Crawl- a physical demonstration on the steps of the Capitol building in Washington D.C. to emphasize the need for accessibility in communities for people with disabilities. There is no ramp or any type of accessible ramp on the steps of the Capitol. So, Jennifer crawled up the steps to the very top! In doing so, she helped fight for a change in the nation to recognize the struggles the disabled community faces each day and to inspire change in order to diminish those struggles.

Amazons, Abolitionists, and Activists / Mikki Kendall

A graphic novel that explores women throughout history who have fought for their rights! The book promotes themes of gender equality and diversity.

Bodies Are Cool / Tyler Feder

This book is a joyful look at different skin colors, body types, and races, and how we should embrace who we are! No matter what shape, size, or color we are.

El Deafo / Cece Bell

A novel that is based on the true story of author Cece Bell and what it was like growing up as the only deaf person in her school. This book highlights how Cece was ostracized by other kids due to her use of a Phonic Ear hearing aid. Nevertheless, Cece was able to view her deafness and her hearing aide as a superpower. She adopts the secret superhero nickname of “El Deafo” as she navigates her experiences in school.

Emmanuel’s Dream: The True Story of Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah / Laurie Ann Thompson

A true story about Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah, who was born with a deformed leg.

Growing up in Ghana, he would hop 2 miles to get to school. Emmanuel quit school

at the age of 13 in order to provide for his family and eventually became a cyclist. He

rode 400 miles across Ghana, spreading the message that disability is not inability.

He continues to be an advocate for people with disabilities today.

Eyes that Kiss in the Corners / Joanna Ho

A picture book that goes through a young Asian girl’s appreciation for her culture and race. She realizes that her eyes are shaped differently than other girls in her class which is just the beginning of her realizing that everyone looks different and we should embrace uniqueness.

Hair Love / Matthew A. Cherry

This book, connected with the Oscar-winning short film of the same name, shares the sweet story between an African-American father and daughter as he does her hair for the first time.

Hidden Figures, Young Reader’s Edition / Margot Shetterly

This uplifting novel shares the stories of Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, Katherine Johnson, and Christine Darden. Not only did their work change the face of NASA, their examples supported the movement for gender equality.

I Am Whole / Shola Oz

A Multi-Racial Children’s Book Celebrating Diversity, Language, Race and Culture

Just Ask! Be Different, Be Brave, Be You / Sonia Sotomayor

This book embraces the uniqueness of each of us! It encourages readers to “Just

Ask” if we come across someone different than us and we’re not sure why.

Let’s Talk About Race / Julius Lester

This book explores race and what makes us different and special! Written by Newbery Honor Book author, Julius Lester.

Lumberjanes (Comic Series) / Mariko Tamaki

A comic book series about a diverse group of girls who attend a summer camp together. The longer they are there though they begin to witness mysterious things and creatures leading them to band together to discover the secrets of the camp. The novel includes racially diverse depiction of young women, including LGBTQ characters.

Melissa (Published as “George” until 2022) / Alex Gino

A book about a young girl named Melissa who everyone treats as a boy named George, despite how she feels on the inside. When her school announces their production of Charlotte’s Web, Melissa sees it as an opportunity to hatch a plan to show everyone who she truly is. The novel explores themes of transgender youth, coming out, and living authentically.

No Difference Between Us / Jayneen Sanders

A book that teaches children about gender equality and self-esteem!

Our Skin / Megan Madison

A wonderful conversation starter about acceptance and race. This book promotes body positivity, racial inclusion, and appreciation for one’s self.

Seeds of Change / Jen Johnson

This book illustrates the powerful story of environmentalist Wangari Maathai, the first African woman to win a Nobel Peace Prize.

Six Dots: A Story of Young Louis Braille / Jen Bryant

An accessible text picture-book biography of young Louis Braille. This story highlights Louis lost his sight when he was 5 years old. But as he got older, he was so determined to read that he invented his own alphabet! This writing system read by touch has impacted the world and continues to do so today.

The Colors of Us / Karen Katz

Seven-year old Lena wants to paint a picture of herself and is going to use brown paint for her skin. After her and her mom go on a walk around the neighborhood she realizes that there are many different shades of brown and different shades of skin color!

The Whispers / Greg Howard

A book about a boy named Riley who is on a search for his mother who has recently disappeared. He will grapple with his crush on another boy, Dylan, while also looking for the mysterious Whispers who are known to grant wishes. This novel explores themes of masculinity, grief, and acceptance.

The Witch Boy/The Hidden Witch / Molly Knox Ostertag

A graphic novel about a boy named Aster who comes from a magical family where the girls are all witches and the boys are shapeshifters. Aster, however, can’t seem to get the hang of shapeshifting and is instead interested in witchcraft. When a boy goes missing he decides to employ his new skills to help. The novel explores themes of gender, nonconformity, and independence.

To Night Owl From Dogfish / Holly Goldberg Sloan & Meg Wolitzer

A book about two girls, Avery and Bett, who are polar opposites. However, when their single fathers fall in love, they are both sent away against their will to a sleepaway camp to bond. Adventures bring them together and allow them to see the possibility of being a family. The novel explores themes of LGBTQ families and overcoming differences.

Tomboy, A Graphic Memoir / Liz Prince

Based on the author’s life as a youth, Liz has to navigate friendship, growth, bullies, and punk rock. This novel explores the themes of gender and embracing diversity.

You Are Special / Max Lucado

This book gives a refreshing look at how to confront bullying and how being different isn’t bad! Everyone is special!

Zenobia July / Lisa Bunker

A book about a trans girl named Zenobia July, who is on a mission to solve a cyber bullying mystery while also going through the challenges of starting at a new school and living her life presenting her true gender for the first time. The novel explores themes of gender, family, and accepting one’s self.


Brave / Brenda Chapman & Mark Andrews

A film about a young girl named Merida, who refuses to be married off to a man by her family. When her mother is mysteriously transformed into a bear they will need to go on an adventure to reverse this while also learning to accept each other. The film explores themes of gender roles, mother/daughter relationships, and independence.

Diary of a Future President / Ilana Peña

A family comedy about Elena, a middle schooler who wants to become the future President of the United States! This show also highlights Elena’s Cuban heritage as well as her adventures in middle school!

Hair Love – Oscar-Winning Short Film / Matthew A. Cherry

This Oscar-Winning Short Film shares the sweet story between an African-American father and daughter as he does her hair for the first time.

He Named Me Malala / Davis Guggenheim

A film looking at the events leading up to the Taliban’s attack of Malala Yousafzai due to her promotion of female education as well as the aftermath of the attack. The film explores themes of gender equality, education, and resilience.

Legally Blonde / Robert Luketic

A film about a young woman named Elle Woods who works to get into Harvard Law while pursuing an ex-boyfriend. However, upon getting into law school she discovers her own worth and abilities that are independent of any other person. The film explores themes of sexism, perseverance, and self-worth.

Love, Simon / Greg Berlanti

A film about a closeted high school student, Simon, as he tries to discover the identity of the pen pal that he’s developed feelings for while also coming to terms with his own sexuality and the idea of coming out. The film is the first major studio film to depict a gay teenage romance and is considered groundbreaking for exploring these themes in depth.

Mr. Connolly has ALS / Dan Habib

Mr. Connolly has ALS is a documentary that follows Gene Connolly and his journey in navigating the debilitating effects of ALS during his last year as a highschool principal. The documentary highlights Mr. Connolly’s thoughts on having ALS and features profound questions from his highschool students concerning his disability, his life, and his future. This inspiring documentary reminds us all of how we ought to treat one another and how each of us can do more to become educated about disabilities, as well as advocate for people with disabilities.

Mulan / Tony Bancroft & Barry Cook

A film about a young woman named Mulan, who disguises herself as a man to take her father’s place in the army. The film explores themes of gender stereotypes, gender equality, and courage.

Out / Steven Clay Hunter

A short film about a man, Greg, who switches bodies with his dog after wishing he could so that he doesn’t have to cope with the stress of coming out to his parents. In the short film we explore the coming out process and the stresses that can come along with it. We also get to see positive examples of how this process may turn out.

Over The Moon / Audrey Wells

An animated musical movie that follows the story of a young girl named Fei Fei who wants to build a rocket to the moon! This story is a celebration of Chinese tradition and culture.

Queen of Katwe / Mira Nair

A film about a young girl named Phiona who with the help of a missionary learns to play chess and who uses her newfound skills to find a way out of poverty. The film explores themes of perseverance, teamwork, and gender stereotypes.

Steven Universe / Rebecca Sugar

A TV series about a young boy named Steven Universe who lives with the Crystal Gems, magical aliens with magical abilities, together they protect the world from other Gems. The series explores LGBTQ themes as well as themes of love, family, and the importance of healthy relationships.

The Prom / Director – Ryan Murphy, Music – Matthew Sklar, Lyrics – Chad Beguelin, Book – Bob Martin & Chad Beguelin

A musical film that tells the story of a lesbian high school student, Emma, who’s prom is cancelled by the PTA after she states she wants to bring a girl with her. After a group of Broadway actors hear about Emma’s predicament they fly to Indiana to help her put on an inclusive prom. The film explores themes of courage and loving authentically in the face of opposition.

Wonder / R.J. Palacio

This film is about a ten-year-old boy named Auggie Pullman. Auggie was born with a rare medical deformity that has caused him to undergo many facial surgeries in his life. Due to his medical condition, Auggie’s face is deformed and he has only ever been homeschooled. This film follows Auggie’s transition from homeschooling to a private school and highlights the internal struggles he faces with his condition, and also his triumph over tribulations. Wonder is a heart-warming film that reminds us all of the importance of kindness and acceptance of others.

Short Videos

A is for Asexual!

B is for Bisexual!

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resources

Gender – Explained 

Gender Equality for Kids: How to Teach Kids about Gender Bias and Discrimination

Gender Pronouns Explained for Kids

Gender Roles and Stereotypes

How do you Express your Gender? – Gender Expression

I is for Intersex!

Just Like You- Down Syndrome

“Katie’s Disability Awareness Video”

Kids Discuss the Pay Gap

Kids Meet A Deaf Person

Kids Meet a Drag Queen

Kids Meet a Gay Conversion Therapy Survivor

Kids Meet a Gender Non-Conforming Person

Kids Meet a Guide Dog for the Blind

Kids Meet A Little Person

Kids Meet a Person with Cerebral Palsy

Kids Meet a Trans Athlete

Kids Meet a Transgender Soldier

Kids Meet A Woman With Down Syndrome

Kids Meet a Woman with Spina Bifida

Kids Meet A Woman With Tourette’s

Kids Share Their Cultural Tradition

Kids Show and Tell Foreign Languages

L is for Lesbian!

Learning Our LGBTs!

PBS Kids Talk About: Race & Racism | Hosted by inaugural National Youth Poet Laureate, Amanda Gorman

Pronouns & Gender: He, She, and They?

Sesame Street: What is Racism?

T is for Trans!

What Are Gender Stereotypes?

What does Non-Binary Mean?

Why is Pride in June? – Stonewall for Kids

Other Resources

8 Tips for Introducing a Student with Disabilities to a General Education Classroom

Autism Society

Child Mind Institute

Council for Exceptional Children

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resources

Education Corner

Education Week

Gender Equality for Kids: How to Teach Kids about Gender Bias and Discrimination

Gender Pronouns Explained for Kids

Gender Roles and Stereotypes

Glenda’s Assistive Technology

Implicit Bias, Microaggressions, and Stereotypes

Inclusive Schools Network

International Dyslexia Association

Kid-Friendly Movies & Shows That Educate About Diversity & Race

National Association of Special Education Teachers

National Center for Learning Disabilities

National Down Syndrome Society

National Education Association

National Organization on Disability


Reading Rockets

Readings to Embrace Race



The Trevor Project – 24/7 Crisis Support for LGBTQ+ Youth

Why Talk About Whiteness?