
An introduction to Dante and his podcast!


This podcast is brought to you by ‘Jsk Stories.  JSK Stories is a safe, online community where kids and teenagers can learn about all things theatre and film.

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Hey guys! My name is Dante, and welcome to my podcast!

Well…it’s actually for my school project, but it’s still a real podcast. Miss. Griffin told us to choose a subject that we want to know more about and then write about it. And, well, that’s where the podcast comes in. You see, when I was 6, I was in a play that my class was doing. It was called “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”. (By William Shakespeare, we’ll talk more about him later). I was so excited to have lines and I got to wear this really cool costume! But I couldn’t memorize my lines as fast as the other kids. In    rehearsals, when I was reading my lines, the letters would start to switch places with each other, and I would say some the words wrong. Some of the kids in my class made fun of me. My mom was always telling me to stay patient and use my pointer finger to follow along with the words. Then I learned from a doctor, that I have this thing called dyslexia. It’s a big word I know. It pretty much just means I’m a little slower with reading, and sometimes I get my letters mixed up. So instead of writing, I asked Miss. Griffin if I could do this podcast for my project. 

So, yeah. Ummm. 

Hi. I’m your host Dante, and I want to learn more about theatre. 

[SOUND EFFECT: 20th Century Fox Theme] 

No, not the movie theater! Although I do like buttery popcorn…mmmm…delicious. I’m talking about the performing arts

[SOUND EFFECT: Trumpet Fanfare] 

I will be doing 10 episodes with you, where I will be interviewing and learning from experts in theater. Actors, teachers, technicians and more! [Mic starts to get fuzzy] The best part of this podcast is that [Mic distractions] I get to do it [occupied with frustration] all. by. myself! 



Emma! It’s still my turn! You said I could use it!


I said you could use it for an hour! Not the whole day. 


Noooo! Wait! I didn’t get the perfect take yet! 


It’s my microphone! 


But you said I could use it for MY PODCAST!




Annnnd the occasional help from my older sister, Emma. Technically this is her microphone. She does theatre too, so she is helping me with the ‘finding-the-experts-part’.    

But other than that, it’s just me Dante, and I’m going to figure out what acting and theater is all about!      

So if you are interested in the performing arts, and want to learn more about theatre and acting and lots of other cool things too, listen along with me and we can learn together! 

Tune in next week for our very first episode. I’m thinking of calling it, “The Life of a Real Actor”. 


Wait, wait, wait! Before I sign off today, I want to leave you with one fun-fact about theatre. Do you know why actors say “break a leg?” It’s an expression that wishes actors good luck before their performance. 


I’m not finished yet! There are lots of stories about where this phrase came from, but the one I thought was most interesting, was that actors in the olden days had to stand behind a line to wait to perform. The ‘leg-line’. 


I said, I’m not finished yet!

If the actors crossed the line before it was their turn, they couldn’t get paid. So “break and leg” is talking about being able to cross the ‘leg-line’ and give your performance! 

….but it mostly just means good luck. 

See you next week, and break a leg! Cue the music!