One of the most important things we can do for our diverse friends and peers is to be their ally. An ally is someone who unites with diverse groups and fights against the bullying and discrimination of those individuals who have diverse backgrounds. You can be an ally by educating yourself, listening to others’ experiences, and fighting for equal opportunities. We can become better allies by remembering this clever acronym: R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

R – Report any prejudice, microaggression, or discrimination to a trusted adult or teacher. 

The only way we can stop further bullying is by reporting them to our teachers and parents. We need to have the bravery to stick up for our friends and peers when they are being teased or made fun of.

E – Excuse yourself from situations and people who are making fun of a diverse group.

Don’t be afraid to walk away from those who are teasing others who are different. Even if they are your closest friends, you can be an example of acceptance and respect.

S – Support and promote more opportunities for minorities.

Read books, watch films, and participate in events that spotlight diverse groups. Start conversations that promote more diversity.

P – Practice using the correct terminology when referring to different minorities.

Using the correct names, words, and pronouns is very important. If you make a mistake, apologize and correct yourself. Being sensitive to this shows support and understanding. 

E – Educate yourself continually and learn more about diversity and inclusion.

Knowledge is power. The more we know, the better we understand. Always seek opportunities to grow and learn. This will make us better allies.

C – Connect with peers, family, and friends who belong to diverse groups to hear their stories and experiences.

One of the greatest ways we can be more understanding is by listening to the stories of those who have had first-hand experiences of being a member of a diverse group. When we listen to these stories it is important not to question or challenge their personal experiences. Sometimes it is hard to hear how others treat one another. Nevertheless, when we listen, we not only learn something new, but we leave with a better understanding on how we, ourselves, should treat others.

T – Teach others what you learn.

Discussing and talking about what we learn can be very beneficial for others who do not understand these topics. When you are given an opportunity to teach someone about diversity, make sure that you have a voice of respect and kindness. 

Being an ally means showing R.E.S.P.E.C.T. By doing all of these things, you now have a plan as to how you can be more inclusive and aware in your community. 

Make sure to download and print the free R.E.S.P.E.C.T poster to help you on your way to becoming a better ally!

Download the English poster here.

Download the Spanish poster here.