Hello friends. This is Janine from JSK Stories. If you’ve been hanging around our website or YouTube channel for a while, you know that we are all about helping people learn more about the craft, history, and professional worlds of theatre and film. 

Some of the questions that I receive the most often – from writers, actors, directors, designers, and more – are all based in doubt. What if I’m not good enough? What if I can’t think of anything interesting to write or design? How will I know if what I create is worth sharing?

I certainly understand these questions – I ask them of myself all the time. They’re some of the greatest stumbling blocks to being an artist. These doubts and fears can stop you in your tracks, preventing you from pursuing your passion – and even making you feel like life would be better if you simply did something more “practical.”

The truth is, all these doubts and fears circle around one main idea: creativity. What is creativity? How do you know if you have it? How do you develop it? How do you keep it alive and interesting? Does it matter if anyone else cares?

The best thing to do with a question is to seek out an answer. So I’m launching a new series on the YouTube channel to do just that. Creativity Lessons will be a place where we will explore these questions about creativity together. We’ll look at some of the biggest obstacles as well as some amazing advice. We’ll also see what our own imaginations and experiences can bring to the table. And each time we’ll issue a challenge – a little bit of homework to help you add a little more creativity into your own life.

Which brings me to your first piece of homework – if you haven’t already, make sure you subscribe so that you don’t miss our first creativity lesson – and all the explorations that are to come.

Until then, go spend some time doing something creative that you love. See you soon!