
Hey guys! It’s Mallory with and I’m here to help you see the stories in history. I teach you about historical moments so you can write about them in a way that’s fun and engaging, helping all of us to explore history at a deeper level,  and discover and tell untold stories! 

Historical context of Little Rock Nine

Today we are going to be talking about the Integration of Schools in 1957- specifically- a group of students called “Little Rock Nine” in Little Rock, Arkansas. Before we get writing, let’s learn everything we can about this time and these people!

First let’s define Integration! Basically it’s bringing two things together into the same place- in this case, Black students and white students into the same school!

For a long time after slavery was abolished and Blacks started receiving more rights, schools were segregated. Meaning, Black students went to one school and white Students went to another. 

Usually, the schools for white students had a lot more funding, while the schools for Black students didn’t have as much funding and materials for the students. 

Which is interesting because the current ruling from a court case called Plessy vs Ferguson stated that everything was, “separate, but equal.”

It wasn’t very equal. 

But beyond funding issues, it was decided it was just wrong to have the students separated like that. 

That’s why in 1954 during the court case Brown Vs Board of education, they ruled that it was time to integrate schools. 

Because of this ruling, 9 Black high school students were sent to an all-white high school.

There was definitely not celebrating in the streets when this happened. 

Sadly, there was a lot of resistance, especially because it was the National Government who made this ruling, and Arkansas wasn’t on board with it, especially the Governor. 

The governor at the time, Orval Faubus, actually sent the Arkansas National Guard to stop the students from being able to enter the school.

Because of this, President Eisenhower sent in the US Army to escort the students into the school.

There were also protestors and rioters, and even when all of that died down, the 9 Black students still faced a lot of torment and bullying from the other students. 

Speaking of the students- let’s talk about them and the other people, or characters, that lived at the time and that we can use in our stories!


First we have the Little Rock Nine. Their names were Melba Pattillo, Ernest Green, Elizabeth Eckford, Minnijean Brown, Terrence Roberts, Carlotta Walls, Jefferson Thomas, Gloria Ray, and Thelma Mothershed


I have already mentioned a couple others, we have Governor Orval Faubus, who was super opposed to this integration, and President Eisenhower who was trying to enforce it. 

Then we have the teachers at the school, the principal, all who, I’m sure, had their own opinions on the matter as well as the fellow students. 

Then! There is another interesting character we haven’t talked about yet.

See the girl in the back who is yelling? The girl standing behind Elizabeth Eckford, one of the little rock 9? That girl is only 15 years old and she is furiously yelling at her fellow student, all because of the color of her skin.

Her name is Hazel Bryan Massery. One reason why her story is so interesting is that she and Elizabeth later reconcile as adults. While their reconciliation isn’t perfect, and they don’t become best friends, they are more civil with each other and Hazel learns to look deep within herself and examine how she can become better and learn to stop being racist. 

Story Ideas

Those are some character ideas for you.

There are so many directions to go with the story so I’m going to narrow it down to just a few for you to get you started 

What do you think it was like for any of the students in Little Rock 9 to learn they would be going to an All-White high school? What do you think that conversation with their parents sounded like?

How do you think that first day of school went? 

Can you think of a time where you weren’t treated nicely because you were different? Or you saw someone else being treated poorly?

How do you think President Eisenhower reacted when he heard that Governor Faubus blocked the kids from entering the school? 

These are just a few ideas, and I’m sure you all have even better ideas than what I have. I can’t wait to hear them.

Writing Prompt

But, If you are at a loss for what to write, I’m going to give you something right now to get you started right now.

A writing prompt is basically a situation, question, or really anything to help spark your imagination. When you sit down to write, don’t overthink it, just write!!

Here’s your prompt:

Minnijean Brown, one of the Little Rock 9, gets home after a tough day at school. She breaks down in tears and starts talking to her mom. What does this conversation sound like?

You can’t get this wrong! Just put pen to paper and see what happens. 

I’m going to start right now! You can share what you created here!

Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss any upcoming videos! And remember to keep seeing all the stories in history. See you soon!