Some disabilities are physically apparent, some are hidden to the eye. For example, you may notice that some people with disabilities are wheelchair users. This means that either all of the time or some of the time, they use a wheelchair to get to the different places they need to be. As mentioned before, some disabilities are unseen. For instance, you wouldn’t necessarily be able to tell that someone has ADHD or dyslexia just by looking at their physical appearance. No matter the case, it is important that we are kind, patient, and accepting of everyone- even if they are different from you, your friends, and your family. One way to help us be more inclusive and respectful of others is through educating ourselves. Education helps us gain understanding and compassion. 

Students With Disabilities Writing Prompt #2

Think about a disability that you would like to discover more about and do some research. Take note of anything new, interesting, or unique that you learn. While you research, consider the following questions: How can you share what you learn with your friends and family? In what ways can you use your knowledge to become a better ally to someone who has this disability? Write your thoughts and findings in 1-2 paragraphs.

Download Students With Disabilities Writing Prompt #2: Educate Yourself (English) here.

Download Students With Disabilities Writing Prompt #2: Educate Yourself (Spanish) here.