Welcome to The Singing Studio! I’ll be your instructor, my name is Carlee, and I can’t wait to get started.

So what’s The Singing Studio? The Singing Studio is a place where we talk and do all things singing. And sing all things singing! I’m really excited because music is a huge part of my life. I studied musical theatre in college, I love music, and I love teaching music to others. 

Before we begin our singing journey together, there are four things that you need to know. 

First off, always have a water bottle. Water is so important in helping our voice stay hydrated and healthy. 

Second, make sure that you have a notebook and a pen. I always find my lesson time to be so much more meaningful when I write things down. So whether that’s something that you need to improve on, or an exercise that you really liked, writing it down will help you retain the information so much better. 

Third, make sure that you have a little bit of space around you. We don’t want to feel constrained by our surroundings because some of the exercises that we’re going to do will be stretching and some breathing exercises. We want to make sure that we have enough space so that we can have a little bit of a range of motion around us. So make sure that you aren’t cramped in a corner or sitting on the floor. Just make sure you have enough space! 

Finally, and I cannot express this enough, these lessons are meant for anybody. No matter what level you are at. No matter if you’ve had voice lessons, no matter if you haven’t. You know, singing is for everyone. You’ll be learning some things that you haven’t learned before. You may be reviewing things that you have learned before. I know for me when I take voice lessons or if I’m in a music class, I actually enjoy relearning things because sometimes I’ll take something new out of the subject and I’ll apply it into my voice and become better. So I just want you to know that these voice lessons are for everyone and most importantly we’re going to have a lot of fun. We’re going to learn new things and it’s gonna be a blast!

Okay you guys, that’s the end of our video today! I look forward to singing with all of you. Make sure to give this video a thumbs-up and make sure to comment with any questions you may have. And maybe even why you love music! Thanks all and see you in our next video!

I do these videos every other week, but if you still want more musical theatre, check out my newsletter! It’s called, Beyond The Score, and it just takes a closer look at musical theatre history. You can find that here.