McKell VO: 60sec tips and tricks. Congratulations! You’ve been cast in a show! How exciting! Wait a second. How do I create my character and know how to perform the role? I got you! Here are 3 tips for developing a character. Developing a character is like building a map that tells you who the person is, what they like, and what they want. For example, do they like sweet or salty things? Are they a night owl? What’s their job? Are they after money, love, or revenge? Let’s get into it. Number 1: What are the facts? What is their job? Where do they live? Who are their friends and family? What year is it? What are their physical features? Number 2: What are they like? Are they angry, happy, introverted, extroverted, nice, or mean? Number 3: What do people say about them? Go through the script and figure out what the other characters say about yours. Jot all your answers down in a notebook and tune in for more 60sec tips and tricks.