Gender bias refers to people being treated differently based on their gender. In education gender bias can be a huge problem. Some examples are teachers making unfair assumptions about students only being good at certain subjects based on their gender or other students telling each other what they can or can’t do in school based on gender. Stereotypes of girls only being good at more artistic subjects or boys only being good at math and science are outdated ideas that are simply untrue.

Gender Writing Prompt #2

On your own do some research about gender bias in education and some of the stereotypes that exist about boys and girls in school. Consider how some of these stereotypes can be harmful to both girls and boys. What are some ways that we can fight these stereotypes and make all students feel comfortable in all subjects in school? Write down your thoughts and findings in 1-2 paragraphs.

Download Gender Writing Prompt #2: Gender Bias in Education (English) here.