Racial stereotypes are general traits and behaviors people use to describe an entire specific race. For example, an Asian-American father and his kids like to eat rice everyday because rice is a big part of their Asian culture. A stereotype would be to say that all Asians eat rice when maybe there are some Asians that don’t like rice.

Racial stereotypes are harmful because not all people within a race or culture are the same. There are so many different cultures and races to be appreciated that embrace so many different people. When we hear a racial stereotype we should respond respectively and directly. We can respond by:

  1. Telling the person that what they said was a stereotype. 
  2. Explaining what a stereotype is. 
  3. Sharing your beliefs that we should not assume that everyone is the same.

Your response should always be respectful because a lot of people don’t understand or know about stereotypes. Sometimes people say them without thinking. Keep that in mind when you are responding. If someone is continually making stereotypical remarks in a way of bullying, it’s okay to stand up to the stereotype, but then walk away from the situation. Look at Race Scenario # 4 to apply what we’ve just learned!

Race Scenario # 4

Whether you are a part of the BIPOC community or not, everyone needs to learn how to respectfully respond to others who stereotype. Learning and practicing how to respond to these stereotypes is important. Remember to be respectful and kind in your words.  

In pairs of two or groups of three, do the following:

  1. Read these racial stereotypes:
    • Asians eat rice everyday. 
    • People from other countries don’t know English.
    • If someone has black skin, they only come from Africa.
  2. Discuss as a group why these stereotypes are harmful. 
  3. Practice responding to these stereotypes.

After meeting in groups, come back together and discuss the following:

  1. What were some challenges you faced when responding to a stereotype?
  2. What worked well in your group work?
  3. Why is it important to respond to stereotypes?

Download Learn More About: Racial Stereotypes (English) here.

Download Learn More About: Racial Stereotypes (Spanish) here.