All of us were born with unique traits and personalities. We all have something wonderful to offer the world, especially when it comes to theatre and film. Some are musical, others are writers, many love to design, and some may love to direct. These talents make us who we are and can be a big part of our identity. But how would you feel if someone said your interests didn’t matter? Or that your identity wasn’t important? You would probably feel very sad and extremely discouraged. 

Just like our talents and beliefs, race is something that is a part of someone’s identity. When people say they are “colorblind” to race, it means that they choose not to see race in others. Sometimes people say this with good intentions, that if we take race out of the equation, then everyone would be equal. While this is an attempt to try and spread equality, it still isn’t good. Those identities are not being appreciated. We need to see race in order to appreciate different cultures, appreciate all colors of skin, and promote diversity.

Race Writing Prompt # 1: Colorblind

What issues could saying “I am colorblind to race” cause? Why is it important for us to see racial diversity? Write your thoughts in 1-2 paragraphs.

Download Race Writing Prompt #1: Colorblind (English) here.

Download Race Writing Prompt #1: Colorblind (Spanish) here.