Have you ever had an experience where someone assumed something about you just because of where you lived, how you looked, or what you ate? How did that make you feel? Assuming certain things about someone based on these things can be hurtful and is considered a stereotype. 

Stereotypes are a set of characteristics, images, or behaviors that people often associate with a certain diverse group. A racial stereotype, for example, may be assuming that someone is smarter because they are a certain race. Or assuming that only certain races enjoy doing specific activities or only wear certain clothing. While there are many cultural traditions and activities that stem from different races, to make the assumption that every person in that race behaves the same and has the same views isn’t good. Stereotypes lead to pre-judgements of others without even getting to know someone. This leads to division and misunderstandings.

Race Writing Prompt # 5: Stereotypes

Why are stereotypes so harmful? How can we avoid stereotypes day to day? Write your thoughts in 1-2 paragraphs.

Download Race Writing Prompt #5: Stereotypes (English) here.

Download Race Writing Prompt #5: Stereotypes (Spanish) here.